I'm running out of names to use for the titles of these posts. On the other hand, my hair looks fabulous. While Kyla didn't help me dye it, she totally straightened it, and it looked HOT. I'm not even joking, that girl could go into hair dressing, that's how fabulous she is. But have you ever had one of those headaches that whenever you move your head, it hurts really badly?Like theres some kind of flu going around in your head causing it? Yeah, I totally have that kind of headache. And I know the flu is going around, but it could be worse. But, I have taken up cooking lately and here's a good recipe if your in a hurry or you don't feel that well:(I'm going to do this in a scientific procedure way)
Materials:1 piece of bread, 1 egg, salt and pepper, 1 table spoon of butter, a spatula, and a non-stick small pan
1.Gather Materials
2.Put a hole in the middle of the bread, about the size of the egg.
3.Put the bread on the side
4.Turn on the stove and put the butter on the pan.
5.Once the butter melts, put the bread on for about one minute.
6.After a minute, turn the bread over and crack the egg into the hole.
7.After a minute and1/2, turn the bread over.
8.Leave on that side for a minute then turn the stove off.
9.Serve immediately.
Bacon optional.
It may sound kind of wierd, but it's totally good. Anyways, I totally failed math and Italian, but I think I'm good on the rest. Have you ever been totally obessessed with one particular band, and you love all their music? Yeah, I'm totally there with Death Cab for Cutie. Anyways, here's the list:
1.Pleasure(Pleasure)-Bang Camaro
2.Carry On Wayward Son-Kansas
3.Poker Face-Lady Gaga
4.White Horse-Taylor Swift(She doesn't count as country, since her music is mostly like a pop kind of thing)
5. Down on Dream Street-Dream Street
6. Courage Is...-The Strange Familiar
That's my list for today.
And, since I can't leave the house to go see my friends in Guys and Dolls, GOOD LUCK! and My friend Ali and I have to chill totally soon because I miss my babes.(Hahahaaa story from last night.) Anyways,have fun and remeber, AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY! hahaha just a fun song.
HAHHAHAHA dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i was just listening to white horses! i just downloaded it!
lmfao oh and yes we do have to chill soon cause i kindaaa miss yoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
urgh its hard coming up with blog titles!
i hope you know
my mom has been doing that since i was a kid..
Oh hush babes
HAHAHA i always think of that story now
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