You might ask why I might be crying. Well, the answer is simple:preseaon. And in my school, preseason means schools going to be starting soon. But in comparison to some things, that just seems petty.
So, I'm sure you've heard that the sect of Protestantism, called Lutheranism, has now allowed committed gay and lesbian clergy members. A clergy member is a bishop or a pastor since thats what the Protestants call the preist. Why do I decide to bring this up? Well, I bring it up for a few reasons. The first being the fact of how its talked about in the news. The second being the fact that I am a lutheran. Third, being the fact that the Bishop of our area for the Lutherans is gay and happily with a partner. Fourth, the new gay rights thing.
Gay marriage is a huge debate on whether it shoud be legal or not. I, personally think that if your homosexual, thats great for you. I will stand by you and I'll fight for your rights even though I myself, am not lesbian. I think that if the Bishop of New York is gay, then why can't other clergy be? As long as their in a committed relationship, then why does it matter? Sure, the bible says that it's wrong, but the point of the constitution says that a)separation of church and state and b)freedom of religon. Arguably, the can mean freedom FROM religon, which was a major part arguement that my WHAP teacher and I were in during lunch times after the AP. While I think that if your any religion thats a minority, its wrong to teach kids the pledge of allegance with "under god" in it, since there are minorities that don't worship a god, and that's breaking the whole "separation of church and state" thing.
Few people actually know that 'Under god' wasn't in the original pledge. It was only added in 19587 when the Knights of Colobus, a catholic group frough the Supreme Court to add it in.
So, that's simply my opinion, and I kinda branched a little there, and I really hope i get some feedback on this, since this is a mAJOR topic in the country at the moment.
only one song today
Pheonix Burn-Alpha Rev
hahahahah 19587 has happened already? where have i been?
sorry, mistyping
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