Yes, I am aware that it's not the morning, but even still, happy St. Patrick's Day! I have nothing against this "holiday" because it's not actually a holiday-it's really cultural diffusion at it's finest... and a grand excuse to party on a weekday and not get in trouble for it. Oh, I just wanted to apologize for not posting yesterday, but I didn't have anything to rant about, and I also got addicted to this game called "Entanglement", which I'm actually still playing... it's kind of pathetic actually.I've also been jamming out to the original songs that they did on GLEE this past week, because they were just phenomenal.
Oh, and Thursday is my favorite day of the week. Yeah, that sounds weird, I'm aware, but I have a valid reason. One of the webcomics I read, Looking for Group is updated on Thursday, and BONES comes out tonight. And I'm calling it-this week it's gonna happen. IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. I think it's going to every week, but this week-I'm positive about this one.
ANYWAYS, for a rant, I think today I'm going to talk about... myself. I'm going to give anyone that actually reads this a good insight as to what I'm thinking half the time... and yes, I can only tell you about half the time, because the other half of the time, I have no idea what I'm thinking, or I'm too lazy to even think.
For starters, I think about education, and how we can use it to better our future. I think about my friends and what I can do to make sure that they aren't mad, or upset, or frustrated, or stressed. I think about people who are less fortunate than I am, and I think of how grateful I am to be where I am. I think of justice, and how rarely it's actually served. I think of the past, because the past is a key to unlocking the future. I think of the present, because it's just that-a present. I think of the future, because it's what we all strive for-a better one. I think of the way that we should do things-quickly, effectively, and calmly. I think of all that I can be, what I can do, and how I can make a difference. I spent a weekend arguing a case, and listening to ideas that could change the world if people bothered to listen to logic. I think rationally, and I think irrationally when I don't care, or when I'm upset, and most of all? I think about how much better the world could be if there was no war, and there was no sorrow. I know it sounds cliched, but it's true. There's so much that my generation has the potential to do, and there's so much that we aren't able to because we aren't listened to until it's too late. The 1960's and 70's were periods of change that was mostly for the better, and it was because the youth of the nation was able to band together and petition. There's too much wrong with division of the masses, and separation for one reason or another that it could be hundreds of years before we're even given the opportunity to get together again and show the world what the youth can do, and all that we can be. My weekend was spent listening to bills about how to advance welfare, and how to protect the integrity of the education system, and I spent it in the nation's capitol. From the Youth and Government Program of New York State, 55 proposed bills were then passed by the actual New York State government, and then 15 are now federal laws and regulations. Democracy is learned by each generation, but if these great ideas are stifled, how can we move ahead and change what needs to be changed?
The world is a complicated place because we make it that way. There are so many ways to make life easier for ourselves, and not even just because of technology. If we took advantage of services and help provided to us, and we gave back what we needed, then life could be the way the it should be-simple.
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