I did a lot of thinking after my exam today, mainly about video games. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not a huge gamer, but I dabble. I’m a huge an of the "Legend of Zelda” games, and a group of friends are thinking about getting the triforce tattooed, just because it’s a triangle with 4 triangles, and it looks really cool. I already have a design in mind that someone else has, and I was doodling it after I finished my test. It’s currently on my wrist, but I’m thinking about getting it somewhere that I can hide easily if I have to, like my shoulder blade or right behind my ear. I figure that if I do decide to become a lawyer, I can’t exactly have a video game reference anywhere visible on my body. I do like the design.
Do you like that? It’s really cool and it’s like flowery enough that I could pass is off for something, and my sisters and I are thinking about getting it if my friends decide not to, just because there are 3 of us, so it would be symbolic. It actually makes me really excited for my birthday in November, just because then I can get it!
What I plan on doing today is going over the Legend of Zelda games (in order!), and I’ll let you know which ones I’ve played, and which ones I haven’t. I’m leaving out the ones that weren’t released on Wii, Gamecube, or N64.
The Adventure of Link •This is one of the games I haven’t played. Yes, it’s the first one in the whole series, but the effects make me want to vomit. It gives me a headache, and I know that any true fan would have at least played part of it, but I’m part of the generation AFTER pong, when graphics were beginning to get fantastic. I also haven’t played the second one, so I’m leaving it out.
Ocarina of Time • This is the game that everyone associates with the Legend of Zelda, mainly because it was revolutionary. Truly, it was. The first game to allow auto-targeting, and the game that my friends and I grew up on, mainly because when the Gamecube was first released by Nintendo©, they released the first four games on one disc, including a 15 minute preview of Wind Waker. I love this game, even though it takes a LONG time to beat, because you have to beat each temple twice, and if you miss something (like a heart container) when you’re Young Link, you can’t get it later. It has one of the better storylines, and it sets the scene for Majora’s Mask, (which is one of the only games in the series that takes place almost immediately afterwards.) Plus, it sets the tone for Twilight Princess. This is also where you meet Navi, and anyone whose played this game can tell you-“Hey! Listen!” quickly becomes one of your least favorite sayings in the whole world because you hear it so often.
Majora's Mask •The way to think of Majora’s Mask is that you live the same 3 days over and over again until you beat all the temples and fight Skullkid (multiple times.) Like I mentioned earlier, this is one of the only games that has a continuing storyline almost directly after it’s predecessor. I’ll admit that this one was actually my least favorite of the 4 games that I have played. Many would argue that this is their number two (put behind either Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time) but it never appealed to me, simply because I felt like I was playing the videogame while watching Groundhog Day. It drove me crazy, and the storyline didn’t thrill me. The fairy drove me CRAZY and I actually muted the game, even though you need the music. The best part about it was that you had a bank account, even though sometimes it would reset itself with the time changes, but it was still handy since you didn’t have to spend all of you rupees. Oh, and getting the ocarina back after it was stolen was the most obnoxious part of the game… and so were the kids whose clubhouse you have to get into.
The Wind Waker • Now, this game is always on the bottom of anyone whose played the game, simply because the story line doesn’t really relate to the other games, simply giving you the green robes as a “right of passage” and you have an actual family in this one. It’s shocking, I know, but there’s pirates, so that makes up for it. The best part about this game is Tetra, who acts like your fairy, but only when you’re doing things that pertain to her. It’s great. While this game gets really frustrating because you do A TON of sailing around the ocean on a little tiny boat (whose incredibly integral to the story, and who everyone seems to know) and I always managed to get lost when I was playing because you have to constantly open the map up. The twist in this game is CRAZY and I wouldn’t have seen it coming if one of my friends hadn’t spoiled the whole damn game for me by telling, so I won’t ruin that surprise for you. Wind Waker definitely tops Majora’s Mask for me. It would be on the top of my list if they hadn’t released Twilight Princess. The only good part about this one is that it does have a continuation to it, but only if you bought if for the DS, which was a great way to make money, but since my friends didn’t play, I didn’t bother getting it.
Twilight Princess • Midna makes the game. While this is the most innovative of the games, because it was released for the Wii AND it had a whole new story line that had some aspects of Ocarina of Time. The shape-shifting made the game a tad frustrating because you would have to go through some areas more than once, but it was so worth it. This storyline was my favorite, mainly because it was so much cooler than the rest. Sure, I got stuck on the water temple, because for some reason, in every Zelda game, the water temple is the worst. You think that I’m kidding? I’m not. Ask anyone whose played more than one game. It’s horrible. Anyways, the boss battles were intense and were actually pretty fun. Oh, and if you attack the chickens, they don’t attack you like they do in the other games. Back to Midna: She’s probably one of the only “supporting” characters that actually has a back story. SPOILER: She’s the Twilight Princess and that’s the reason that everyone loves her. That, and the fact that she’s a badass.
Also, for those of you who have never played a Legend of Zelda game (shame on you!), you have to know the most important thing in every game (except Majora’s Mask). The triforce (that triange thing I want to get tattooed) is the whole story line. It’s basically the place where the three goddesses (Nayru, Din, and Farore) who created Hyrule (the kingdom you play the hero of) left the planet to go back to the heavens. They each represent either wisdom, courage, or power, and since you’re the chosen hero of the goddesses, you have to defend Hyrule from Ganon (in some games, he’s Ganondorf), whose the wielder of the triforce of power. In some of the games, Zelda (triforce of wisdom), acts as a Sage, who allows you to gain access to the actual triforce, but in others, she’s just a magical princess (like Twilight Princess). You also have to understand that there’s more than one race of “people”. I say “people” because I don’t exactly know how to describe the other races if you haven’t played the game.
I recommend finding and playing one of the games ASAP if you haven’t already. They keep moving and are pretty fun to play. My warning:DON’T save in the middle of a temple because you’'ll have to do everything over again unless you leave the game running on pause (which doesn’t actually do anything, since it still runs your clock). Either beat the temple, or don’t start it if you’re going to have to go somewhere within the 30 minutes to the hour that it will inevitably take you to beat it.
The Breakup Song-RUNNER RUNNER
Sweet Disposition-THE TEMPER TRAP
Double Vision-3OH!3
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