Monday, November 21, 2011

I Can't Wait

My life goes back to normal tomorrow afternoon when I go home, back to the city that never sleeps, which is pretty good, because neither can I. I know it's been too long since I last posted, but I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, and make sure that you don't overlook the reason that we have the next few days away from work and school. It's because we all have something to be thankful for, even if we take advantage of it.

Just so you all know what I'm thankful for, I'll give you a list.

  1. My family-Even if we don't get along, they still stand by me, despite all of the stupid shit that I get into. They call me up to make sure that I'm alright, and they always want me to do the best that I can, even when I don't want to. 
  2. My friends-Again, they stand by me, and my friends and I are close, and being separated for as long as I have is something that I can't exactly work with all the time. They make my life complete, from the facebook pictures and videos, to the late-night drunk texts and calls, and I don't know what I'd do without them.
  3. My music-As you all know, it keeps me grounded. It gives me something to draw the insanity out of my head, even when I feel like screaming and yelling.
  4. My childhood-Nobody has the perfect one, but we all do the best with what we can do. I'm glad that I don't have to grow up yet, or even all that quickly so that I can take the world and it's suckage in stride.
  5. My education-Yeah, going to school sucks, but it controls the way that we live, even if don't always see it. 
  6. Being alive-I'm lucky to be from a middle-class family and that my family can provide for me in the ways that I'm not financially able to. I'm lucky to have grown up where I did, and I'm thankful that I was always given the opportunities that I wanted from life. 
I hope that you all take the next few days to think about what makes you thankful and why. It's not always what we think it is, but let Thanksgiving help you reconnect with your family, give thanks, and forgive anyone whose done anything against you. This is the time to think about the past year, and think of ways that you can better yourself for the next year. If you get in a little Black Friday shopping, then I hope you get all that you want.

I won't give you guys any music tonight, just because I'm way to lazy, and I'm actually supposed to be studying for a test that I'm taking in like 8 hours. 

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