Saturday, February 11, 2012

I've decided

I'm going to write a book. My insomnia seems to have gotten worse this semester, and it seems that I've become nocturnal. I figure, if no on else stays up all night, I might as well do something productive. I think I'll make it fantasy related, just for kicks, but I want a badass main character, and a killer story line to go with it. I'm thinking that I'll make it about a warrior princess who watches the murder of her father when she's young, and she falls in love with her best friend. It can't possibly be a worse love story than "Twilight". Besides, I kind of want to draw from Paolini (Eragon) and Tolkien (Lord of the Rings), maybe through some George R.R. Martin (A Song of Fire and Ice) in while I'm at it. I might even pull from Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth books).

Anyways, MUSIC TIME!
Revolution-Mercy Mercedes
A Brand New Day-Joshua Ritter
All The Same To Me-Anya Marina

Rock on.

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